Os nossos colegas do Coro Andrés Segovia, interpretando cantares andaluzes
O Chorus Auris presenteando os nossos colegas espanhóis com músicas tradicionais portuguesas e populares brasileiras
A nossa querida colega"Lelita" apresentando para "nuestros hermanos", em "primeiríssima mão", mais uma estreia mundial
6 comentários :
Alfa, Delta, Tango...Roger? Target at twelve hours, do you copy? Roger.
Correction: ten past twelve, do you copy? Roger and out.
Tango, Tango, & Sevilhanas. I copy you loud and clear. Over and out.!
Target at ten past twelve, but out of range !!! Mission over and incompleted ...
For your eys only.... just like in the James Bond movie .. eheheh
Oh happy days...reading the musicsheet in the bunker. Tango, Tango, Flamenco: "enemy" is around. Nighthawk, do you copy? This is René calling.Over and out.
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